...sometime called WCCI
You can change CCI period, Turbo CCI, moving averages. There are two mathematical formulas to choose for calculating values: original one and improved one ( I prefer ).
You can download it here for your VT Trader
More about trading like a Woodie at woodies club.
Enjoy the trading !
Thanks !
Good job.
thanks for WCCI for VT! I have problem with importing it to VT: file extension is *.vtscr but I use VT 1.8 and allowed ext for this version is only *.vttrs. When I renname to *.vttrs and do to Tools->TSB->import than it imports nothing...
May I please someone to help me figure this out ? Where is the problem ?
Thanks a lot for any suggetions & tips!
Hi Anonymous,
Look's like you do small mistake during import.
*.vtscr - indicator
*.vttrs - trading system
Try these steps:
VT TRADER (menu) -> Tools -> Indicator Builder -> Import and then select the downloaded file
Enjoy the trading!
I am a newbie to WoodiesCCI and have just imported it to VTTrader 2.0 and it seems perfect! Thank you very much!
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